Does Flexibility Help You Jump Higher?
When it comes to jumping higher, flexibility is definitely a necessity. Some of the best jumpers are also dancers, which involves a high amount of flexibility. A ballet dancer, for example, has to do numerous stretching and flexibility workouts, before they ever get started with dancing lessons. In ballet, there are many leaps and vertical jumps involved.
Flexibility means having a number of muscle groups toned to allow freedom of movement without pain or injury. Jumping higher through vertical jumps and leaps requires a tremendous amount of flexibility, to avoid pulling a muscle or stretching beyond its capability. Exercises for jumping higher require stretching for 5 minutes before and after the workout, to avoid abrupt movements that could pull a muscle or cause muscle strain.
To gain flexibility, you need a workout plan every other day, to allow a free day in between for muscle healing. There is a very basic exercise plan for vertical jumpers that increases flexibility, and will show immediate improvement in height of vertical jumps, whether for dancing, basketball or hurdles. This is not for the light-hearted, as it gets progressively harder each session.
To start, you will need to perform calf stretches. This involves a starting position flat-footed, then arching onto your toes and back down to start position. You begin your first session with 50 of these. Rest the next day, then on the third day you add 25, for a total of 75 calf stretches. Repeat this process, adding 25 calf stretches each session until you reach 1000. By this point, you will have pushed your calf muscle group to optimal bulk for noticeable results in vertical jumping.
The second part of this workout involves leg squats. You start your first day off with 50 leg squats, then rest the next day. On the third day, you add 10 more, then rest the next day. You continue this workout by adding 10 leg squats each session until you have built up to 500. This is for thigh muscle strength, which is the muscle group responsible for over 50% of the vertical jumps or leaps.
Ideally, you will start with 50 calf stretches and 50 leg squats on first day and continue the two exercises simultaneously until you have reached the maximum reps. You will definitely see improvement in flexibility and strength in the leg muscles. Another exercise you can add with a short amount of time to this workout, just involves sitting with your back straight against a wall with your legs outstretched in front of you for one minute on the first day, and add 10 seconds more each session. This stretches the back thigh muscle group and adds to flexibility.
Does Flexibility Help you Jump Higher? You bet it does, whether for dancing or for sports. Remember to stretch before and after every workout to avoid muscle strain or injury, and gradually increase your reps on exercises, just past the point where you "feel the pain", and you will be jumping higher in no time.
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